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Academics / Graduate Program / Program Requirements

Program Requirements

Satisfactory progress through the Ph.D. program is typically made by fulfilling seven general requirements, each merely summarized here.  (The requirements are more technical than this: please refer only to the official program regulations for the authoritative statement of the requirements).

  1. At least 52 hours of course work, with specific distributional requirements.
  2. Satisfactory completion of 741 and 742 (1st year Prosem).
  3. Satisfactory completion of 740 (Teaching Practicum).
  4. Satisfactory completion of Philosophy 520: Logic, or its equivalent.
  5. Satisfactory demonstration of reading competence in one foreign language relevant to the student’s philosophical program of study (e.g., Greek, Latin, French, or German).
  6. Satisfactory completion of three steps preparatory to writing the dissertation: the Area Proposal, the Qualifying Exam, the Dissertation Proposal (each of these steps has written and oral components).
  7. Satisfactory completion and oral defense of a Dissertation.

The coursework requirements differ depending on previous graduate coursework, specifically whether one enters with no M.A. in Philosophy, a one-year M.A. in Philosophy, a two-year M.A. in Philosophy. See these checklists for summaries: