Application Materials: Admission to the program is based upon a combination of undergraduate and, if appropriate, graduate grade point averages; GRE scores; a writing sample; a written statement of professional goals and objectives; and three letters of evaluation. For application instructions see the department website.
Admission Requirements: The minimum requirements for admission to either the Ph.D. or the M.A. program are:
- proof of completion of a B.A., B.S., or M.A.;
- evidence of superior skills on the GRE; and
- an overall grade point average of 3.2 or better on a 4.0 scale in undergraduate work and an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale in all graduate work.
On approval of the Graduate Faculty, the Director of Graduate Studies may recommend admission of an applicant failing to meet any of these requirements if there is other evidence of the student's capacity for advanced graduate work in philosophy.
Neither an undergraduate major in philosophy nor an M.A. in Philosophy is required for admission to the either the Ph.D. or M.A. program, but students lacking preparation in the history of philosophy or in logic may be required to remedy deficiencies by doing coursework not carrying graduate credit.
Provisional Admission: The Director of Graduate Studies may recommend provisional admission of an applicant because of deficiencies in the student's previous work. Provisional status is allowed for a maximum of one semester or up to 12 hours, after which the student's work will be reviewed and a determination made by the Graduate Faculty regarding whether the student will be allowed to continue in the program.