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"Perspectives in the Philosophy of Art"

Gaines Center


232 E. Maxwell St.

Lexington, KY 40506


There will be a roundtable discussion Friday afternoon, from 4-6pm. On Saturday, there will be four talks from our guest speakers, with commentary on each by Kentucky graduate students. Lunch will be provided for guests and attendees on Saturday.



Andy Egan, Rutgers University

Gregg Horowitz, Pratt Institute

Jane Kneller, Colorado State University

Christy Mag Uidhir, University of Houston


Times: 9:30-11, break, 11:30-1, lunch (provided for all attending), 2-3:30, break, 4-5:30.


The order of speakers is Kneller, Mag Uidhir, Horowitz, Egan.