Hi. I'm a Professor in the Philosophy Department at University of Kentucky.
My primary research interests include the metaphysics of ordinary objects, mereology, mental fictionalism, and modality. My monograph, Parts and Wholes, was recently published with Cambridge University Press as part of their Elements in Metaphysics series (June 2023). It is an opinionated overview of philosophical issues involving parts and wholes, lightly guided by a diagnosis of why we shouldn’t conclude a priori that there are an odd number of things in the universe.
Two of my papers - “Mental Fictionalism” and “Mental Fictionalism: a foothold amid deflationary collapse” - are included in a volume Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations, Tamas Demeter, T. Parent, and Adam Toon (eds.), Routledge (2022), the first anthology dedicated to the topic of mental fictionalism.
For more info, visit my website.
- Metaphysics
- Mereology
- Fictionalism
- Philosophy