Peirce’s Doctrine of Signs: Foundations, Applications and Connections, edited with Vincent Colapietro, Mouton de Gruter, Amsterdam, 1995.
Foundations of Moral Decision, Wadsworth, San Francisco, 1984.
Good Reasons and Persuasive Force, University Press of America, Washington, 1983.
Problems in the Philosophy of Language, edited, with prologue, introductions, annotated bibliographies, and epilogue, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Ν.Υ., 1969.
Selected Articles:
“The Dynamics of Dynamis,” The Review of Metaphysics,” March, 2018.
“Idea and Eidos in Plato and Aristotle,” in Kostas Kalimtzis & Maria Veneti (Eds), The Concept of Form and the Way of Life, Ionia Publ. (Athens, 2015)
“Conceptual Divergences in Sextus and Hume,” Philosophical Inquiry, Fall, 2014.
“The Bastard Book of The Physics,” The Classical Quarterly, April, 2014.
"Demea's Dilemmas", British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Fall, 2003.
Hippocratic Natures and Aristotelean Elements", in K. Boudouris, ed., Ancient Greek Medicine (Athens, 2000)
"The Matter with Matter", in D. Sfendoni-Mentzou, ed.,
Aristotle and Contemporary Science (N.Y., 1999).
“Reconstructing Deconstruction for a Prospectival Realism”,
History of Philosophy Quarterly, July, 1996.
“Self-moved Movers and Unmoved Movers in Aristotle’s Physics VII”,
The Classical Quarterly, December, 1995.
“The Construction of a Peircean Hermeneutics”, in Colepietro and Olshewsky, eds., Peirce’s Doctrine of Signs: Foundations, Applications and Connections, (Berlin,1995).
“Functionalism Old and New”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Summer, 1992.
“The Classical Roots of Hume’s Skepticism”, Journal of the History of Ideas, Spring, 1991.
[Plus some 30 others invited or in refereed journals: see CV]