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In this podcast, Hank, Karla, Lauren, and Taylor explore the nature of personal identity, its stability and fluidity, in relation to the Hindu and Buddhist ideas of attachment and normativity.

In part three of a four part series, this Transnational Lives podcast features Matt Bryant Cheney, a graduate student within the English Department, James Lincoln, a graduate student within the Philosophy Department, and Lucia Montas, a graduate student in Hispanic Studies, as they speak with Floya Anthias about the development of her career and the influence of social theory and transnationalism within her own…

The Department of Philosophy is excited to welcome Assistant Professor Bob Sandmeyer to its faculty!

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the new faculty members who joined the College of Arts and Sciences in the fall 2014 semester.


What do politics have to do with the end of the world? UK Philosophy graduate Joan Braune recently finished her dissertation, which is focused on Erich Fromm's role - and break from - the Frankfurt School. She thinks that the connection between political renewal and dreams of catastrophe are detrimental to progress. Braune discussed some of her research at Villanova University's April 2013 conference, "Apocalyptic Politics:…

This fall, University of Kentucky Philosophy Professor Stefan Bird-Pollan will be leading a class that hopes to expand the ways in which students interact with film. In the course, PHI 300: The Philosophy of Film, students will examine the aesthetics of film from the early 20th century through the 1970s. Through this aesthetic exploration, Bird-Pollan hopes to…


This November, scholars and activists from around the world will gather at UK to attend the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society. Arnold Farr, a philosopher and social theorist here at the University of Kentucky, is organizing the conference, which seeks to examine “Emancipation, New Sensibility, and the Challenge of a New Era.”



On April 6th, 2013, the UK Department of Philosophy will host its 16th annual Philosophy Graduate Student Conference. Organizer Justin Spinks is bringing together scholars and students to ponder and discuss the relationship between Philosophy and Community. Held in WT Young Auditorium for a full day, the conference is free and open…


Philosophy 100 satisfies a UK Core requirement in Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities - and Amanda Lusky describes what it entails. Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality explains metaphysics and epistemology, two central tenets of philosophy, and strives to connect the ways that fields of knowledge intersect and overlap.

This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.


From capitalism to transhumanism, the modern world is rife with uncertainty about the nature of society, ethical issues that surround technology, and places where the humanities and sciences intersect. The Philosophy and Modern Life series seeks to explore those issues throughout the fall. David Bradshaw from the Department of Philosophy gives a run-down of this semester's offerings. 

All events…


Jairus Rossi is a graduate student in the Department of Geography, and one of twelve individuals organizing the 2nd annual Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, which will take place from April 13th – 15th 2012 at the University of Kentucky. The conference is a multi-disciplinary event that will bring two guest speakers and scholars from at least ten countries.

It is organized by the UK…
